If you are currently feeling like you are a little too attached to your phone and social media, this one is for you!
Setting Boundaries for Social Media:
notice when you tend to pick up the phone (bored? anxious? before bed?)
don't scroll first thing in the morning
delete applications that don't serve you (you don't need to be active on all social media platforms, find one that feels good to you)
leave your phone in a different room when trying to focus
mute notifications that aren't urgent (don't wanna see DMs during work hours? mute them)
unfollow those who make you feel unworthy
unfollow those don't provide value (and find ones that do, there are lots of wonderful creators)
enjoy your life outside of the screen
most importantly, stop comparing your life to 10-20 seconds of someone else's curated posts.
Happy Feeling & Healing everyone,
Jansu Psychotherapy